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X-Callback-URLs to Capacities

X-Callback-URLs are a way to communicate with the desktop app. You are calling the app at specific URLs to perform actions or return specific information.

X-Callback-URLs must have the following structure:


with required parameters:

  • <action>: action you want to perform (see below)
  • x-source: name of the app calling the action
  • x-success: URL to call if the action was successful (needs to be a deeplink URL to the calling application)
  • x-error: URL to call if the action failed (needs to be a deeplink URL to the calling application)

Error handling

If an error occurs, Capacities will call the x-error URL with the following parameters:

  • x-source: "Capacities"
  • error-code: the error code (404, 500, etc.)
  • error-message: a human readable error message


Run a X-Callback-Url like this in the Terminal:

open "capacities://x-callback-url/createNewObject?x-source=SourceApp&x-success=sourceapp://x-callback-url/response&x-error=sourceapp://x-callback-url/error&title=My%20new%20object"

You can also simply paste the URL into the address bar of your browser.



Returns the object that is currently opened in Capacities. If there is no active object, the x-error URL will be called with the error code 501. Otherwise, the x-success URL will be called with the following parameters:

  • x-source: "Capacities"
  • url: deeplink url to the object
  • title: title of the active object (can be empty)


Opens the app and creates a new object based on the following parameters (all parameters need to be provided as query parameters):

  • spaceId (optional): If no spaceId is provided the current or last active space will be used.
  • type (optional): The type need to be the exact spelling of the singular name of your object type. If no type is provided a page will be created.
  • title (optional)
  • content (optional): Content needs to be provided in markdown format. It will be appended to the objects first blocks property (if available).

A simple example:


If something fails, the x-error URL will be called with the error code 501. Otherwise, the x-success URL will be called with the following parameters:

  • x-source: "Capacities"
  • url: deeplink url to the object
  • title: title of the active object (can be empty)


Opens the app and appends the provided content to today's daily note (all parameters need to be provided as query parameters):

  • spaceId (optional): If no spaceId is provided the current or last active space will be used.
  • content: Content needs to be provided in markdown format.

A simple example:


If something fails, the x-error URL will be called with the error code 501. Otherwise, the x-success URL will be called with the following parameters:

  • x-source: "Capacities"
  • url: deeplink url to todays daily note

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