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Properties make up the structure of a object type. They define what kind of information each object of that type can hold. A property has a name, a description (optional), an icon, and a type.

The following five properties are default properties, that every object type has under the hood.

Default properties

Default properties are properties that every object type has, no matter what. Under the hood, they will always be there, even if they are not shown in the list of properties for a object type. For your custom object types, you can have them displayed by adding them as a property from the property dropdown.


default property

The title of an object. It is a plain text property.

The title is quite important for search, so giving your content a meaningful title can help you to access it more quickly.


default property

You can write a description yourself or choose the AI autofill option.


default property

Created at

default property

This is what creates the 'created on this day' view in your calendar.


default property

One of the most important organizational features in Capacities.

The following properties are normal properties, that can be added to your custom object types.

Normal properties

These properties can be used by the user and are also used to construct some properties of the basic object types as well.


normal property

Write any text, link to any object, apply any formatting.

Text property with formatting


normal property

A simple number property

Number Formatting

If your object types have a number property, you can choose how to format these numbers in your property settings.

Choose number formatting

You can choose how many decimal places to display, the style of your formula bar and more.

If you want to use a number property for currency too, this is also supported.

Supported number formats

None/textThis option is only available in table cells, since number properties cannot contain normal text.
NumberDisplays a number. A fixed number of decimals can be set as well.
ProgressPerfect for goal or metric tracking. It will show a progress bar in the table view. You can set the number of steps (default 10) and the color of the progress bar.
PercentFormats the number as a percentage (1.0 = 100%).
CurrencyUSD (💵)
EUR (💶)
JPY (💴)
GBP (💷)
CNY (💴)
INR (₹)
KRW (₩)
KZT (₸)
NGN (₦)
RUB (₽)

For most formats, you can additional set a fixed number of decimal places to display.


normal property

A simple checkbox property that can either be checked or unchecked.

Pro users who have enabled task actions are able to use checkboxes to send tasks to their task managers.


normal property

A blocks property that can hold any kind of block-based content.


normal property

A date property that can be extended to include a time.

All date-links will also be shown in the calendar on the corresponding day.

Date Picker

Date Reference

Object property (Single- and Multi-select)

normal property


Object properties show up as only three options "Single select", "Multi-select", and "Cover image" in the dropdown to add a new property. But they can later be customized further in the object property settings.

Object settings

Object property settings

An object property only works with one specified object type. You can now change the object type retrospectively – but all previously selected items will be removed by doing so.

Single or Multi-select

Single select: Allows linking to one object of a specified type as the content of this property.

For example: link to one rating tag.

Multi-select: Allows linking several objects of a specified type as the content of this property.

For example: link to any related areas.

Changing between single and multi-select is possible at any point, but the constraints of that change will be enforced when you apply it – so some selected items might get removed.

What if I want to link to objects of several types?

Use a text property instead of a select property. See more about this here.

Fixed set

You can think of these as creating custom dropdown menus.

This will drastically reduce mental load and friction when working with this property, as you only have to choose from a limited set of options.

Object property settings

Why use a fixed set?

Defining a fixed set will give you a nice picker dropdown with the set as predefined options. This reduces mental load and gives you a nicer user experience in cases where you'll just need a limited set of options.

Calculate a fixed set:

When you first enable a fixed set for an object property, and you've already created content with it, the fixed set based on the previous usage.


When you make changes in the object property settings, make sure to apply them, and be aware that the new rules might remove some previously selected items from contents with this property.

The object picker

The field of an object property can be edited via the object picker. If you defined a fixed set, all the options of that set will be shown in the dropdown picker.

Object property picker

You can expand a fixed set, by just searching for new items and selecting them. This will add them to the current selection and to the fixed set.

Here is short video from one ouf our community members on how you can use select properties:

Some basic object types have very specific properties, that serve a special purpose.

Type-specific properties

We use these specific properties to add specific data or functionality to our basic object types. The file resource property of an image (or other media types) that holds the reference to the actual file and shows a download button in table view is an example for that.

Search for properties

You can also use our powerful search to find content via property, just have a look:

Search results

Search results

How to edit properties

Go to the object settings. There you will find a list of all properties where you can edit, rearrange, and delete them or create new ones by clicking "Add property" at the bottom.

Object settings

Object settings

Object settings

Changing the property type

You can currently not change the type of a property. If you want to change the type of a property, you will have to delete it and create a new one.

We recommend to first create the new property, move all the content from the old property to the new one, and then delete the old property.

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