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Working with tags

Tags are one of Capacities' main organizational structures and tagging is a great way to organize your content.

Tags are keywords that you can add to your content. By doing this you automatically attach your pages, images, etc. to these keywords. When you open a tag you get an overview of all attached objects.

If you're wondering what the difference is between tags and collections, and how to use them together, check out this page

Finding the right tagging convention

This is a simple but very powerful way to organize thoughts. Still, you need to find YOUR way of tagging your content. Our co-founder Steffen published some tips on tagging on Twitter. Feel free to follow them and find your system.

A screenshot of the thread:

Search cover

How to tag

Top-level tags

Now let's see how you can tag your content: Every object in Capacities can be tagged. On a page you can for example add top-level tags right at the top. Just type the keyword and select from existing ones or create a new one.


Apply and Remove Tags in bulk

You can apply top-level tags in bulk. Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Click on the objects you'd like to tag, and select tags in the action panel that pops up.

bulk tags

Tags in text

You can also create and add tags while writing by typing the # symbol. This opens a menu where you can search and create tags.


Explore tags

After you added some tags to your content you can click on a tag to open it. Here you will see all the content you attached to this tag.


Changing the view

You can change the view of your content on the right.


Filter and sort

You can also use filter, and sort – like in your databases.


Based on the tagged content, Capacities calculates related tags and displays the most relevant ones at the top. This allows you to quickly navigate to related topics.

Embedding a tag view on a page

You can also embed tag views in any content. Just type #<tag-name> at the beginning of a new paragraph and confirm the search result. Your tag is now added as a link block to your content.

tag link block

You can now change the view of that block by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner and select "Embed".


If you can't see the three dots, your tag is showing as an inline link. You can change this (and other inline links) by option + click on the tag, and choosing 'convert to link block'

Your tag is now part of that page and you can apply specific filters, sort your content, and change the view. These changes will only be applied locally, so you can have different views on the same tag on different pages.

embedded tag

Here's a video about working with tags:

Choose your tags wisely. If you do, it will be a game-changer in your note-taking. Have fun exploring! 👌

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