Templates allow you to prefill the content of an object- you can prefill properties and blocks in your objects.
This is very convenient if you have repeating workflows for which you want to set up predefined content because it saves you time, with no need to repeatedly set up each workflow. Templates are available for daily notes, pages, and custom object types.
Here is a Quick Tip video about templates to see them in action:
The Basics
Templates belong to one object type only. You can't apply the same template to multiple object types.
When applying a template, all referenced objects (like tags, select properties, or links in your content) will not be duplicated but linked.
Creating and editing a template
To create a template, you can open the object settings (Settings > Content Type Settings > Your Object Type
> Define templates, see image below) or edit them on the bottom of an empty page.
Every template gets a name which can be edited on the top bar of that template.
Applying a template
There are many ways to apply a template you've created.
If you already have an object created, you can simply choose your template from the template section at the bottom of your empty object.
You can also create an object from a template with the
+ New
button in the left sidebar.
You can directly apply a template from your keyboard too:
Cmd U
and then the name of the template (that you defined when setting it up), press enter and you have created the object and applied the template all at once.Or Type
/<name of template>
in any page and enter, which will also create the object and apply the template at once. select the template you want to use.
Develop your templates further
Date variables in titles
If you have a naming schema for your objects based on a date, for example, you want to name your weekly meeting Weekly - 2023-02-1
, you can use a date syntax in the title. This will be replaced with the current date when applying the template. For the example above, you'd set the title of your template to Journal Entry - {date:YYYY-MM}-1
. You can find more information about all possible date formatting options here.
Default Custom Daily Note Template
If you use your daily note regularly you might benefit from a daily note template. You can create many daily note templates (e.g. for the work week and then for the weekend) and you can choose one of these templates to be automatically applied everytime you start a daily note.
To do this open the daily note object settings > define your template (editing existing or create new) > press the star icon.
Templates for daily notes will be appended to your notes, so you can use them multiple times on a day.
What we have planned for templates
The current implementation of templates is version 1.0. Here are some more features you can vote for:
Block templates
Save a group of blocks and name it to reuse it again. For example, you could define an "info box" as a block template and reuse this block group with all its styles by typing
+info box
in your note. You can vote for block templates here.More template automation and logic
Like the date formatting options, we want to allow more automation, like prefilling date properties, self-referencing properties, and customizable duplication logic. You can vote and add your requests here here.