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WhatsApp integration

With the Capacities WhatsApp integration you can save formatted messages, images, files or even voice messages to Capacities from a WhatsApp chat. You can even name and tag all resources from within the messenger.

WhatsApp integration


Open the Capacities app and go to "Account > Settings > Integrations > WhatsApp" and follow the instructions there.

Make sure to add the Capacities number to your address book so you can find it easily!

How it works

After you set up the integration you can simply send messages to the chat with Capacities. All messages will be appended to your daily note.


You can send formatted text messages to Capacities. Either use the formatting options WhatsApp provides or use Capacities shortcuts:

  • # , ## , ### , and #### for headings
  • - for bullets
  • 1. for numbered lists
  • > for quotes
  • **text** for bold text
  • *text* for italic text
  • [] for to-dos

Standard markdown formatting is supported as well.


To add tags to your message simply use the # symbol. Capacities matches your text with your existing tags or will create new tags.

❗️ Rules for tags

  • You cannot use special characters in your tags.
  • Spaces will automatically be transformed. So if you have a tag called Cognitive Bias simply add #cognitivebias to your text, it will automatically be matched.

Linking and creating content

You can create new objects and link existing content from your messenger. Use the following syntax

[[page/Wendelstein reactor]]

to link to a page with title "Wendelstein reactor". If this pages exits in your space it will create a link to it, otherwise a new page will be created. This works for all object types in your space. If you have a object type Person you can link or create it by using [[person/Steve Jobs]].

You can use this at the beginning of a paragraph to create a new block and somewhere in your paragraph to link it in your text.

Alternative ways of "create or link" are +person/Steve Jobs/ and @person/Steve Jobs/, similar to the syntax you can use in the app.

If your object type contains spaces, like "Book Summary" you need to specify it in upper camel case format: [[BookSummary/Sapiens]], +BookSummary/Sapiens/, @BookSummary/Sapiens/.

If you only want to link and not create you can do this by just referencing the title:

[[Steve Jobs]]

If you want to save a web link, paste the web link into a new line. If you want you can add tags with the # symbol after it: #pkm #note-taking

The web link will be tagged and saved to your web links database as well.

Saving images and files

If you send images or files from your messenger to Capacities you can set the title of your image or file by giving it a caption in the messenger. If you add tags in your caption they will be automatically saved as tags for that resource.

Saving voice messages

You can use the voice recording button in the WhatsApp messenger. Your voice recordings will be saved as audio files.

🚀 Coming soon: Your voice messages will automatically be transcribed to written text.

Saving code files

If you send a code file, for example a Typescript or Python file ending with the corresponding extension it will automatically be transformed into a code block that you can continue editing in Capacities.

Saving to a specific space

If you want to save a message to a specific space other than your selected default space just start your message with the space number, here the third space, based on the order of your spaces in your home dashboard.

/3 Some thought ...

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