Spaces are a container for all your notes. You can have one space for all notes, or several spaces that you split your notes between.
Spaces are completely separate from each other. Because of this, you need to carefully consider how many spaces to begin with.
We lay out some considerations below.
All-in-one space Pros
- Powerful search for all your content
- Only one space to manage
Multiple spaces Pros
- More specific searches- if you know you never need to see work items in your home space, then the search will be more efficient
- More control in organising your notes by domain - you might not need a 'Meetings' object type for all domains of your life.
- Perhaps work/life balance - no need to see work-related things at the weekend.
- Specialist use-cases (e.g TTRPG)
Multiple Space Cons
One extra step to search your content, as you must switch to the correct space first.
We make this easy with the space swticher though, and even easier with the command palette. But it is still a consideration.